The benefits of moving staff inductions online

Kat |
26th August 2024
Creating an effective induction process for new starters at any organisation is always a challenge and needs to reflect the unique culture and specific requirements of the business.
Deciding to make the transition to online can seem like a major change when traditionally your instinct is to lead such events face-to-face.
But it’s true that live sessions come loaded with ongoing expenses, both financially and in time management. So, why not eliminate the need for printed resources, physical training spaces, spiralling travel costs and non-productive staff time?
Now with so many new roles being advertised as remote-based, should we accept that online is the future?
To help you in exploring this decision for your business, we’ve put together a few pointers to highlight the real benefits of moving staff inductions online:

1. Ready to shine
Starting a new job is an exciting (and albeit anxious) time. But should day one be boycotted with a heavy schedule of formal classroom training sessions?
By bringing inductions online, businesses can request for new starters to complete a portion of their training before the big day arrives – allowing them to fully prepare themselves accordingly.
That little slice of early insider knowledge can gift new starters with added confidence and enthusiasm about working for the organisation before they even walk onsite.
2. Consistent delivery
Live face to face induction sessions often rely on the involvement of key staff in the organisation, whether that be CEOs to welcome new starters to the team, or heads of departments introducing their roles and responsibilities.
Being able to secure the same presenters at every induction session can be a huge commitment, and let’s face it, not always possible. You’ll find that either essential working hours of senior staff are stolen to repeat the same presentation time after time, or the delivery of sessions is just not consistent across new starter groups.
Moving inductions online can mean that you can prerecord welcome videos from key staff, and keep these easily updated with changes to the organisation structure.

3. Time to get personal
We would never recommend that all elements of an induction should take place online. For many businesses, practical demonstrations or site walkthroughs are essential.
But one of the biggest positives of a face to face session is the opportunity to meet new co-workers on a more personal level, network, ask questions and explore team dynamics.
Where time is so precious in any business, the opportunity for face to face time should be prioritised for forming these quality connections. The mandatory procedures and guidance can (and should) be kept separate.
4. Track competency
Can you ever be certain that new starters have soaked up and digested all the information from a face to face induction?
Everyone learns differently, at a pace that suits them. Simply attending an event gives no certainty that each individual is fully prepared and confident to hit the ground running in their new role.
Incorporating an online assessment or feedback form at the end of an online learning experience is a great way to track a user’s understanding or highlight any areas that may need additional attention, whether for that individual, or all new starters in the future.

5. Stay refreshed
No matter how much we try, what we learn fades over time – especially when it comes to details we don’t call upon on a regular basis. And in a new exciting role, there’s always a wealth of new information to take on board. Relying on new staff remembering all this key information is always a risk.
By moving online, not only can learners digest everything at their own pace, they also have a ready made online resource to refer back to; when they need a recap on how to use technical system, find out who to speak to, or perhaps refer back to holiday and payroll details.
Allowing this information to be readily available at the fingertips of new starters can enhance knowledge retention, increase employee confidence and boost productivity.
Summing up
Converting your existing employee induction process to digital learning is quick, easy and inexpensive. It will streamline your processes, free up staff hours, save essential training budgets in the long-term and give added value and support to new starters.